Explore Eastchester with us!

There is always something to do around here! Just check out our handy map to see what's going on.

We recommend making a day out of it - just see how many businesses you can visit in a weekend! All without a car, too.

Here's a perfect Saturday for us:


Start off at home and head over to Fit For Life Gym to get in a workout.



Then pick up coffee and breakfast at Adventure Awaits or Cafe Smitten.



Next head over to the Bakersfield Museum of Art to take in some art and get inspired.



After that, walk over to Oleander and Palm to find beautiful home goods, and while you're at it pick up lunch at Cafe Crepes next door.



Then head to Going Underground to see what new records are in, or find an old favorite for your collection.



Thrift shopping is next, and there are tons of great spots to visit within walking distance. Or see what they have at Native Fox Shop!



End the day with dinner and a show at Stars Theater and a drink at The Botanist.

Try out our day or create your own adventure, but don't forget to save our handy map to take with you!


Music, Arts and Theater oh my!